All information on Martin Spreng’s website ( is property of the artist jeweller.

The use of pictures, texts and media related subjects on the, need to be approved by the owner Martin Spreng. Commercial use will not be permitted. Artist jeweller Martin Spreng needs to give the permission. After permission of Martin Spreng using or sharing any image displayed on website website, the user has the obligation to identify the source, the author and photographer (if mentioned).

For more information about the credits and Legal use of pictures, texts and others, please find more . Please contact directly the owner by email for request: martin.spreng (at)

External links: The website of includes links to third party websites. The website of Martin Spreng is not responsible or liable (directly or indirectly) for the privacy practices, content, advertising, products or other materials of third party websites.

The use of these websites is at risk of every visitor. Martin Spreng cannot be responsible for any damage or loss caused by using or action taken in connection with the use of these external sources. By accessing the Martin Spreng website ( and publication, the visitor accepts, without limitation or qualification, these terms of use, copyrights and privacy policy, which can be consulted on this website. Martin Spreng website ( gives the ability to contact Martin Spreng directly via email : martin.spreng(at) or phone. The information will not be shared with third parties, only if the commercial relationship between the artist jeweller Martin Spreng and the person who contacted him, needs to share information for e.g. logistic matters. Martin Spreng will not be responsible what others do with the transmitted content. For additional restrictions, please contact Martin Spreng website ( Copyright/Trademark Information Copyright © 2024, Martin Spreng. All rights reserved. All trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the website are the Martin Spreng property or the property of other third parties as mentioned on webpage For more copyright information, please contact Martin Spreng:

email : martin.spreng [ at ]

tel : +336 14 98 50 97

Address: 186, rue de la Roquette 75011 Paris FRANCE

Le n° SIRET 479 044 000 00020